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One Doctor: Daniel Hale Williams

43 minutes 45 seconds

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Black and white photo of a horse-drawn carriage that reads, Freedmen's Hospital Ambulance. A man poses behind the carriage. Caption. Was the only black hospital in the United States.

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, the "father of black surgery," was the first to perform an operation on a human heart in 1893. He established the nation's first interracial hospital, provided advanced training for black doctors and nurses, directed and reorganized Freedman's Hospital in Washington, D. C., and developed many surgical innovations still in use today. His primary goals were to offer training facilities for black medical students and to improve the quality of patient care, regardless of color.

Media Details

Runtime: 43 minutes 45 seconds

Black and white image with closeup of a sign that reads, "Civil Rights Plus Full Employment." Crowd of people and protest signs fill the background.
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Grade Level: 10 - 12
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Grade Level: 9 - 12
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1 minutes 34 seconds
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1 minutes 1 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8

Viewer Comments

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    Cynthia F. (Rancho Palos Verdes, CA)
    March 10th, 2016 at 12:04 PM

    Informative and interesting film that told the life of an African American doctor who changed the world of medicine and saved so many lives while he was alive. His work continues to save lives today and in the future. So many times the history is never told in schools. I never knew about Dr. Daniel Hale Williams until about 2 years ago. I was shocked that I was never told that the first person to perform a successful open heart surgery was an African American. It gives African American students a sense of pride and a role model that shows they are capable of doing great things. It also teaches children of all backgrounds to see people for who they are and not just the color of their skin. History and the truth is so important for children to learn. I thank DCMP for this opportunity.