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A Boy's Guide To Puberty And Personal Safety

21 minutes 35 seconds

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Illustration of the head and shoulders of two boys. Caption: Let's look at how your body changes as you grow up.

This video covers puberty education for male students with special needs. It covers the important topics of external anatomy, physical and emotional changes of puberty, health and hygiene, privacy, and safety.

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Runtime: 21 minutes 35 seconds

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Illustration of a pre-teen boy. Caption: Soon there will be even more changes in your body.
14 minutes 54 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 12
Still image from: A Boy's Guide To Growing Up (Spanish)
14 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 12
Still image from: A Boy's Guide To Puberty And Personal Safety (Spanish)
21 minutes 36 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Illustration of a pre-teen girl. Caption: You will begin to grow from a girl into a young woman.
16 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 12
Still image from: A Girl's Guide To Growing Up (Spanish)
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Grade Level: 4 - 12
Illustration of a young woman with her hands in front of her, palms forward saying, "NO!". Caption: Tell an adult.
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Grade Level: 6 - 12
Still image from: A Girl's Guide To Puberty And Personal Safety (Spanish)
22 minutes 39 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
An adult cat surrounded by kittens on a linoleum floor. Caption: Other living things go through a similar process
10 minutes 50 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 6
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Grade Level: 7 - 12
Child at the top of an escalator. Caption: We don't suddenly become adults overnight,
The Living Body
Episode 10
26 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12