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Child Development

Against a blue background, we see text that reads, “Active Learning. How Children Can Learn. The Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning.”
22 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Group of children seated cross-legged on the floor, looking in the same direction. Caption. And continue to make literacy important to us.
32 minutes
Grade Level: PT/TT
Closeup of a child drawing with marker on a sheet of paper. Caption. Giving outlets for expressing their feelings.
22 minutes 33 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Child smiles and looks out in a classroom setting. Caption. Narrator. Rapid physical growth marks this stage of development.
19 minutes 34 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Title text reads, “How Children Can Learn Creating and Thinking Critically. The Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning," against a green and pink background.
25 minutes 47 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Woman is signing in front of a red screen with the word, brave, written in white next to her.
5 minutes 20 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Woman signs in front of a storybook illustration of scruffy dog licking a boy while other animals look on. Story text appears on screen.
5 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Woman leans over to help a child adjust a magnifying glass. Another woman and child stand by. Spanish caption. Una de las cosas más importantes.
22 minutes 15 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Illustration of a red safari vehicle with 2 people in it approaching a gray tree. A yellow and black toucan and a colorful parrot sit on a branch of the tree looking at the approaching vehicle.
Art to Heart
Episode 2
54 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 2
Boy with blond hair looks down and wipes his cheek with a red cloth. A red and yellow cartoon T, V frames the video. Music note icon indicates music is playing.
Life Skills: I Can Do It
Episode 1
28 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Girl smiles and holds up a purple crayon. A red and yellow cartoon T, V frames the video. Caption. So she can use different crayons.
Life Skills: I Can Do It
Episode 2
28 minutes 21 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Girl smiles and holds up 1 hand in front of her face. A red and yellow cartoon T, V frames the video. Caption. She's bigger than Meedo, who's only 2.
Life Skills: I Can Do It
Episode 3
28 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Green creature with blue hair smiles and holds their hands at chest. A red and yellow cartoon T,  V frames the video. Caption. Me do! We do!
Life Skills: I Can Do It
Episode 4
28 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Still image from: Living St. Louis: Black Kids Yoga Class--Empowering Mental Well-Being
Living St. Louis
5 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: Living St. Louis: Early Childhood Education
Living St. Louis
27 minutes 56 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: Living St. Louis: Play Therapy for Children's Mental Well-Being
Living St. Louis
5 minutes 35 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Woman uses sign language in front of a cartoon of a little boy with a big yellow hat looking at sleeping sheep. In the top left corner is an illustration of the sign for sheep, with word "sheep" underneath. Other text appears on screen.
My Baby Signs
2 minutes 26 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Woman uses sign language in front of a 2-page view of a storybook with a color illustration of an adult and a baby in a red car. In the top left corner is an illustration of the sign for car. Story text appears on the page.
My Baby Signs
2 minutes 6 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Woman uses sign language in front of a 2-page view of a storybook with a color illustration of a giraffe looking down at a young boy in a green shirt. In the top left corner is an illustration of the sign for giraffe.
My Baby Signs
2 minutes 27 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Cover of a storybook called, "Baby Sunshine's Safety Signs." There's a color illustration of a baby with curly black hair in a diaper and yellow shirt petting a brown and white spotted dog at a park.
My Baby Signs
2 minutes 13 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Woman uses sign language in front of a 2-page view of a storybook with a color illustration of a baby in a red shirt sticking its tongue out above the word "frog." On the right is a baby in water reaching toward a frog. Story text appears on screen.
My Baby Signs
2 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Woman uses sign language in front of a 2-page view of a storybook with an illustration of a baby in a yellow shirt above the word, "Stars." Another illustration of a baby using a telescope is next to the words, "Sunshine sees stars."
My Baby Signs
2 minutes 15 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Woman in a black shirt uses sign language in front of a large color illustration of 2 red socks over a blue square on a white background.
My Baby Signs
2 minutes 1 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Woman uses sign language in front of a 2-page view of a storybook with an illustration of a baby drinking out of a cup, as well as another baby demonstrating the sign for drink above the word, "drink."
My Baby Signs
1 minutes 20 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Woman in a black shirt uses sign language in front of a large color illustration of a blue, yellow, and red slide on tan sand, all of which is on a blue square on a white background.
My Baby Signs
2 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Woman in a black shirt uses sign language in front of a large color illustration of a tan and brown dog over a red square, all on a white background.
My Baby Signs
2 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Still image from: Origin of Everything: Why Do Kids Have Their Own Bedrooms?
Origin of Everything
Season 1 / Ep 17
7 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Still image from: Origin of Everything: Why Doesn't the U.S. Have Paid Parental Leave?
Origin of Everything
Season 2 / Ep 29
11 minutes 34 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Patchwork wall hanging, each square unique and handmade. Caption. A wish flower that's half bloomed.
53 minutes
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Slide shows yellow and orange text on a sky-blue background that reads, "Playing and Exploring. How Children Learn." Text on orange stripe below reads, "The Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning."
23 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Girl faces away from camera and leans toward a group of stuffed animals resting on a dark surface across from her.
Science Nation
Episode 135
2 minutes 33 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Toddler leaning against a blue background under bright lights while an adult stands by. Caption: to learn more about healthy child development,
Science Nation
Episode 69
2 minutes 33 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Closeup side profile of a teenage girl looking longingly at a boy standing next to her. Caption. Narrator. As new relationships grow, parents and teenagers.
57 minutes 36 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Woman looks down at a colorful picture book, holding a smiling child in her lap. Spanish caption. Cómo hubiera sabido la manera de abrir un libro?
21 minutes 2 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Woman stands behind a young girl and pushes her on a swing. Both are smiling. The swing is part of a teeter-totter and slide set that is in a tree lined, grassy area. Spanish caption. Así es que ella sabe de disciplina. Bastante.
Successful Parenting
Episode 10
19 minutes 42 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Rear view of a teenage boy standing next to and speaking to an older man who is cooking on a kitchen stove. Spanish caption. Papá, el entrenador de béisbol me hizo sentir muy mal hoy.
Successful Parenting
Episode 9
19 minutes 3 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
2 boys play side by side on the floor. Wooden blocks and pieces are scattered between them. 1 boy is looking through a bin filled with more wooden pieces. Spanish caption. Se dará cuenta usted.
Successful Parenting
Episode 8
18 minutes 25 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Kids sitting on the floor in a classroom setting. Caption: They feel secure because they know what to expect next.
The Brain
Episode 1
21 minutes 1 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
2 men stand at a threshold and look back into a home towards a woman dressed as a maid. Caption. Dominga. Hazlo pasar a la biblioteca, Maria.
1 hours 39 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: 12
Closeup of a newborn baby looking up with wide eyes as a hand supports its neck. Text reads, "Characteristics of Effective Learning. Created by Siren Films with Birth to Five Matters."
10 minutes 37 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Black and white frame shows a man wearing a dark coat, scarf and brimmed hat standing between 2 bellhops.
1 hours 31 minutes 58 seconds
Grade Level: 12
Closeup on a table with empty beer bottles and landline phones on the table in a home setting. Family gathered and talking as a group in the faded background. Caption. Or sibling, parental abuse, and neglect, divorce.
Understanding Childhood Trauma
Episode 1
44 minutes 14 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Woman in floral dress grabs the arm of a man in blue button up shirt and khaki slacks as he walks around a sofa away from her toward a closed white door. Caption. And very often have cut off whole parts of themselves.
Understanding Childhood Trauma
Episode 4
28 minutes 36 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Woman follows and watches a young child as they ride a toy tricycle through an apartment parking lot. Caption. It feels better than to feel afraid.
Understanding Childhood Trauma
Episode 2
28 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Young child lying back against pillows and under blankets in bed. Caption. The upset and pain caused by these effects make it natural.
Understanding Childhood Trauma
Episode 3
28 minutes 55 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Closeup of a baby with short brown hair wearing a white shirt with lace sleeves and opening its mouth, revealing 2 lower teeth. Caption. If not, the child will be unable.
Understanding Childhood Trauma
Episode 6
Grade Level: PT/TT
Closeup side view of a toddler with curly blonde hair and a blue and white tank top looking up. An adult's leg with black shorts is slightly visible to the right. Caption. We didn't know what it was.
Understanding Childhood Trauma
Episode 7
28 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Hallway looking into 2 open doors at the end. 1 blonde woman holds a young child, another carries a white box, and 2 children sit leaning against a wall. Caption. Effective treatment of traumatized children.
Understanding Childhood Trauma
Episode 8
28 minutes 51 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Boy lays back on a pillow hugging a stuffed animal. Caption. They don't feel the need to please teachers.
18 minutes 12 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT