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Coast Australia: Gold to Sunshine Coast

51 minutes 25 seconds

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Still image from: Coast Australia: Gold to Sunshine Coast

On Australia’s shiny holiday coast, Miriam Corowa investigates the engineering behind the 1970s Florida-style canal system of the Gold Coast. Neil Oliver heads to Peel Island to see the remains of a bleak chapter in Australian history. Xanthe Mallett scours a World War II fortification at what could have been Australia’s front line and discovers what life was like waiting for the war to arrive. Brendan Moar dives headlong into a dangerous rip current to investigate first hand the science of these dangerous currents. Emma Johnston joins a scientific hunt for manatees, and Tim Flannery travels to Fraser Island to investigate what’s at the end of the line for the longest sand drift system in the world. Please note this title contains mature themes. Part of the "Coast Australia" series.

Media Details

Runtime: 51 minutes 25 seconds

Still image from: Coast Australia: Tasmania
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Still image from: Coast Australia: West Coast of Tasmania
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