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Fall of Civilizations: The Khmer Empire--Fall of the God Kings (Episode 5)

1 hours 38 minutes 7 seconds

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Still image from: Fall of Civilizations: The Khmer Empire--Fall of the God Kings (Episode 5)

Deep in the Cambodian jungle, a ruined city crumbles among the roots of banyan trees. This episode looks at the Khmer Empire of medieval Cambodia and the ancient mega-city of Angkor. Let's explore how this great civilization rose to a size and wealth virtually unprecedented in the world, how it overcame the challenges of its climate and landscape, and how all these factors led to its final, dramatic collapse. Part of the "Fall of Civilizations" series. Please Note: This title contains mature themes and nudity in artwork.

Media Details

Runtime: 1 hours 38 minutes 7 seconds

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