Monstrum: Slasher Movie Special
The "Monstrum: Slasher Movie Special," part of the "Monstrum" series, explores the evolution of the slasher film genre. It highlights key films like "Black Christmas," "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre," and "Halloween," which solidified slasher movie conventions including the 'final girl' trope, masked killers, POV shots, and isolated victims. The video discusses the cultural and psychological themes in slashers, including trauma and societal fears, making them relevant and cathartic outlets. Directed by John Carpenter, "Halloween" is noted for popularizing these elements, beginning what is known as the slasher boom. The video is educational for school-aged children interested in film studies, offering critical insights into movie-making techniques and history, and reflecting on how popular media influences cultural perceptions.
Media Details
Runtime: 32 minutes 44 seconds
- Topic: Language Arts, Literature, Social Science
- Subtopic: Halloween, Mass Media, Multiculturalism, Mystery and Horror - Literature
- Grade/Interest Level: 9 - 12
- Release Year: 2024
- Producer/Distributor: PBS Digital Studios
- Series: Monstrum
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