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India: Country Girl

14 minutes 4 seconds

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Close up of an Indian woman with looped side braids. Caption. Kaushalya is receiving a good education.

Kaushalya lives in a village 60 miles from New Delhi. She attends the free high school, and dreams of becoming a doctor, but a parentally-arranged marriage may end those plans. Features the traditional and basic lifestyle of her village, a typical school day, and the restrictions and influence of the caste system. Village life changes as young people move to the cities.

Media Details

Runtime: 14 minutes 4 seconds

Teenage boy with his arm over a girl's shoulder as they walk down a school hallway. Text over the image reads, Carnel ranks in the nation's top 5% of public high schools in academics. Caption. People talking and laughing.
53 minutes 47 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
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Viewer Comments

  • Tiny default profile photo
    Charles G. (Round Rock, TX)
    June 6th, 2024 at 06:31 PM

    Great material!