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27 minutes 47 seconds

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Animation of a man clad in armor with his back facing camera and his head turned in profile. Caption. It is the green eyed monster.

Part of the "Shakespeare: The Animated Tales" series. The warmth of a Mediterranean setting contrasts with the coldness in Iago's heart, as he relentlessly turns his noble master, Othello, against the beautiful and innocent Desdemona. All the emotional intensity of Shakespeare's study of jealousy is conveyed vividly via striking cel animation.

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Runtime: 27 minutes 47 seconds

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Animation of a medieval knight holding up a flag while another knight stands behind him. Caption. Narrator. News of Macbeth and Banquo's victory.
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales
Season 0 / Ep 1
25 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Animation of a man with long white hair and beard wearing medieval clothing and standing in front of towering sea stacks. Caption. Hast thou, spirit, performed to the point.
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales
Season 0 / Ep 2
26 minutes 14 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Color illustration of a hulking King Richard in a red cap, a breastplate, and a fur collared robe. He reaches to turn a doorknob. Caption. With their uncle George, duke of Clarence, in the tower.
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales
Season 0 / Ep 3
26 minutes 18 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Animation of a man clad in armor with his back facing camera and his head turned in profile. Caption. It is the green eyed monster.
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales
Season 0 / Ep 4
27 minutes 47 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Animation of a grimacing bearded man in a yellow and green doublet holding up a purple flower. Figure in a pink beret and ruff purses their lips and stands to the side. Caption. With the juice of this, I'll streak her eyes.
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales
Season 0 / Ep 5
26 minutes 10 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Animated puppet woman sits at a table looking forlorn. Another puppet figure wears puff sleeves and stands beside her holding a tray. Caption. I pray you, husband, be not so disquiet.
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales
Season 0 / Ep 6
28 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 12
Painted animation of a figure kneeling with arms up toward another figure standing at the edge of the woods. A black and white inset floats above with a man squatting next to a building as a bird takes flight. Caption. So "a day" without the "ever."
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales
Season 0 / Ep 7
25 minutes 2 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Animation of Romeo and Juliet facing one another with their lips puckered. Caption. 1 kiss and I'll descend.
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales
Season 0 / Ep 8
25 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Animation of a ghostly bearded figure in a robe hovering beneath a dark stone archway. Caption. This visitation is but to whet thy almost blunted purpose.
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales
Season 0 / Ep 9
26 minutes 6 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Animation of Julius Caesar in a tunic and red sagum. He looks toward a cloaked figure that holds a staff and faces away from camera. Caption. The ides of March are come.
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales
Season 0 / Ep 10
25 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12