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Know The Score: The Dangers Of Performance Enhancing Drugs

20 minutes 12 seconds

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Reveals the truth about many performance drugs such as steroids, creatine, Human Growth Hormone, diuretics, blood-doping hormones and stimulants like ephedrine and amphetamines. Also, includes an investigation of so-called nutritional supplements that claim to help users lose weight and gain muscle but in reality may set the stage for physical ailments like headaches, muscle weakness, and irregular heartbeats. Speakers include young athletes who share their views on "competing clean" without chemical enhancements, as well as expert sports medicine doctors who explain the adverse physical effects of misusing performance drugs. Presents the specific dangers involved in abusing steroids, stimulants, diuretics, and other drugs. Interviews with student athletes emphasize that using drugs to win at sports is the same as cheating.

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Runtime: 20 minutes 12 seconds

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