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Crittercam: Green and Loggerhead Turtles

23 minutes 32 seconds

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What do wild animals do when we're not around? Find out with National Geographic's Crittercam. Safely worn by wildlife, Crittercams capture video, sound, and other information, giving students rare views of the private lives of animals. Crittercams help to solve scientific mysteries by providing an animal's eye view. And what scientists learn from Crittercams helps them protect the very animals that wear them. The Crittercam Team travels to Shark Bay hoping to discover why there are a larger number of injured loggerhead turtles than green turtles.

Media Details

Runtime: 23 minutes 32 seconds

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A hammerhead shark, seen from below. Caption: (narrator) Bull sharks, tiger sharks, and hammerheads.
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23 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12

Viewer Comments

  • Tiny orn11
    Dona P. (Stockbridge, GA)
    April 27th, 2016 at 10:23 AM

    This program held all my students interest. It was informative and just the right length for a class session, allowing time for follow up discussion. It inspired us to find out more about turtles in our area.