The Bug Chicks
The Bug Chicks are entomologists Kristie Reddick, M.S., and Jessica Honaker, M.S. Why this name? We use “Bug” because that’s the word that most people use when they think about animals with exoskeletons and segmented legs. Most people don’t know the word ‘arthropod,’ so we use the word they use and then we teach them the right word. Why “Chicks”? Some people hate this word and think it’s derogatory towards women (and it can be used that way), but we reclaimed it. To us, it means fun, cool women who don’t take themselves too seriously. So instead of “The Arthropod Ladies” or the “Animals-with-Exoskeletons Girls” we chose “The Bug Chicks.”
The Insect Orders
Episode 5
3 minutes 7 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12