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Woman with a lanyard around her neck talks to us in front of a background that has illustrations of school buses, apples, pencils, and scissors. Next to her are three illustrations, one of a man driving a school bus full of kids, one with a woman smiling and waving at us, and another of a woman tilting her head and smiling.
Meet the Helpers
55 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Woman holds her teacher badge up and smiles at us. Next to her is a red badge on a lanyard that has her headshot and the text, “Ms. Judy, Teacher.” The background has backpacks, pencils, school buses, calculators, and other school supplies.
Meet the Helpers
40 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Woman leans over a bathroom sink and washes her hands. We can see her reflection in the mirror in front of her.
Meet the Helpers
50 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Woman wearing a purple dress talks to us as she leans on a glass table. Behind her are two TV screens, one showing the Satellite and Radar for the United States, and the other shows the satellite and radar for Florida with a hug blue H covering the state.
Meet the Helpers
50 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Man wearing a lab coat with a stethoscope around his neck talks to us and folds his hands together. Next to him is an illustration of a boy tucked in bed.
Meet the Helpers
45 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Still image from: Mind Frame: Suicide Prevention
Mind Frame
Episode 5
8 minutes 59 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 9
Still image from: Mind Frame: Wellness
Mind Frame
Episode 4
8 minutes 17 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 9
Digital illustration of a frowning girl beside an inset of the same girl posing with a hand on her hip and smiling confidently. Caption. But there's something wrong with this picture.
2 minutes 7 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Teenage boy speaks to camera, face in shadow. Caption. It was never the same, even from the same person.
16 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Painted statue of a policeman in full uniform kneeling next to a sitting German Shepherd police dog. The statue is inside a museum.
Museum Access
Season 3 / Ep 3
25 minutes 27 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Cover of a storybook called, "Baby Sunshine's Safety Signs." There's a color illustration of a baby with curly black hair in a diaper and yellow shirt petting a brown and white spotted dog at a park.
My Baby Signs
2 minutes 13 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Closeup of a preteen girl with curly dark hair in a pink shirt in a room with blue decor. She's holding up a smartphone in a purple case. Caption. So what if you lose it.
My Blog
Episode 9
15 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Computer screen shows a preteen girl with dark hair in a ponytail and a pink tank top walking next to a girlfriend while looking at an older cellphone in her hands. Caption. Sarah just got a text message from her mom that got her angry.
My Blog
Episode 6
10 minutes 10 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Illustration of a cat. Caption: Have you smelled the air? It's unbreathable!
My Little Planet
Episode 6
5 minutes 12 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Cartoon of a young boy with rosy cheeks and blue eyes wearing yellow pajamas while sitting in bed. Caption. Now we won't be able to play there.
My Little Planet
Episode 22
5 minutes 18 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Illustration of people crouching to look at water coming out of a pipe after the water has been processed. Caption: The station has almost totally cleaned the water.
My Little Planet
Episode 8
5 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Still image from: NASA Goddard SFC: Different Ways to View a Solar Eclipse
3 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: NASA Goddard SFC: Eclipse Phases
1 minutes 54 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Still image from: NASA Goddard SFC: Wildfires 101
5 minutes 5 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Nick News: Aliens, Space Camp, Hottest Summer
Nick News
Season 3 / Ep 7
22 minutes 42 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Busy road at twilight with several cars traveling with their headlights turned on. Caption. Patrice as Narrator. When should your lights be on?
9 minutes 7 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Lightning branching across the sky. Caption: (female narrator) Lightning is a rapid discharge of electrical energy
NOAA Ocean Today
Episode 1
1 minutes 56 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Color illustration. Policeman with a dark moustache smiles at a friendly dog. Caption. Then Officer Buckle thought of his best safety tip yet.
12 minutes 41 seconds
Grade Level: K - 2
Still image from: Once Upon a Time: Femicide (Spanish)
Season / Ep 1
51 minutes 41 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Man wearing a black winter coat and hat stands in the snow while holding up a white cane with a special attachment at the end.
10 minutes 33 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Cartoon of Otto the Auto on a road. Otta is a red convertible car with white tires where the headlights look like eyes and the grill is a smiling mouth. Caption. I hope you'll be careful at times like that.
Otto The Auto
Episode 1
13 minutes 59 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 6
Otto the Auto drives from the right along a road lined by tall office buildings. Caption. Let's learn the right way to wear safety belts.
Otto The Auto
Episode 3
8 minutes
Grade Level: Ps - 6
Closeup of smiling toddler with a pink shirt and light brown hair in pigtails holding a baby in a light pink onesie. The baby has a red rash on her cheeks. Caption. And on her body.
Our Special Life
Episode 8
5 minutes 10 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Man in raincoat and hat with words, "Downplay, Don't Fight Back, Shrug It Off", projected over image. Caption. Bullies don't like to pick on people who don't care.
16 minutes 4 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 6
Wide view of the side of a mountain almost entirely covered with snow with a few rocky areas emerging. Disappearing text reads, "Chapelco Resort, Argentina, 2012."
Season 1 / Ep 11
8 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Still image from: Overview: U.S. Streets Are Dangerous. We Can Fix Them!
Season 1 / Ep 16
7 minutes 52 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Storybook excerpt shows an illustration of a boy standing by a stream and looking up from a paper as a younger boy carries a rock over to him. Picture bubbles circle a tractor, spider, ant hill, and other things. Texts tells us that the boys are looking for things on a list.
12 minutes 48 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 2
Cartoon of two boys smirking and shaking hands. One holds a piggy bank. Caption. Pepín ha ahorrado junto con su amigo, Billy, para comprar.
Adventures Of Pepin (Spanish)
Season 0 / Ep 1
8 minutes 3 seconds
Grade Level: K - 12
Screenshot of a video chat between Dianna and another woman. The other woman has dark hair with the ends dyed blue and green, over the head headphones with her hands up as she speaks. Dianna appears in the lower left corner wearing silver headphones.
Physics Girl
Season 4 / Ep 23
20 minutes 41 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Digital illustration of a teenage girl with a word bubble that reads, "Hi Alex," waving at a teenage boy with hearts above his head and a word bubble that reads, "Hello!" Caption. To impress his friends and girls in his class.
2 minutes 25 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 8
Cross section of water with a concentration of a substance in part of it. Caption: Blooms can also deplete oxygen from the water,
2 minutes 3 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Black background with blurred light spots. Text on image reads, "Preventing Accidental Drug Overdoses."
11 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of woman speaking to camera with a superimposed blue grid in the background. Caption. Becoming higher in athletic injury.
21 minutes 24 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Man wearing goggles, valved face mask, face shield, and gloves. Caption. You come in contact with is contaminated.
22 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Digital illustration of a bulletin board sticking out of a globe with a rectangle attached that reads, "Credit card" and another that reads, "High School, Maggie, 11 grade." Caption. Credit card and student I, D numbers.
2 minutes 33 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 10
Digital illustration of a teenage girl with a word bubble that reads, "Hi Alex," waving at a teenage boy with hearts above his head and a word bubble that reads, "Hello!" Caption. To impress his friends and girls in his class.
2 minutes 26 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Gray C, G, I tug boat on the ocean at night in the rain with a small white airplane flying toward it. Caption. Hold on! I'm going to help you.
Real City Heroes
Episode 8
16 minutes 7 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Front view of Florence, a C, G, I white ambulance with headlights that look like eyes and a mouth across the front bumper, parked by the entrance of a hospital. Caption. Hi. I'll be right back.
Real City Heroes
Episode 3
15 minutes 56 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Front view of Sergeant Cooper, a C, G, I police car with black across the front and white on the sides, driving on a city street with a school bus and other vehicles in the background. Caption. I will show you what we do.
Real City Heroes
Episode 1
12 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Side view of a red fire engine as it drives on a street with factory towers in the background.
Real City Heroes
Episode 5
16 minutes 59 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
C, G, I William Watermore the fire truck spraying water onto vehicle that's on fire. They are amongst power transformers in a power station in the middle of a city.
Real City Heroes
Episode 11
16 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 6
Teenage boy with black hair and a gray hoodie sweatshirt sits and turns to his right while talking. Another teenage boy in a red tee-shirt with dark hair sits behind him. Caption. It's a way they act how they've been treated.
Real Life Teens
Episode 12
19 minutes 2 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Closeup of a teenage boy with dark hair talking in front of a teenage girl with long light brown hair, lipstick, and silver choker necklace looking toward him. Caption. People say, 'You want to go out?' And they say, 'Okay.'
Real Life Teens
Episode 10
19 minutes 1 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Sepia tone image of a police officer in uniform leaning on his squad car near the right rear passenger door as he talks to a small crowd of teenagers. Caption, narrator talking. We'll cover why belonging to a gang.
Real Life Teens
Episode 11
16 minutes 25 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Closeup of woman with short brown hair, red lipstick, hoop earrings, and a white collared shirt talking in front of several papers hanging from a cork board. Caption. School, or their parents.
Real Life Teens
Episode 4
21 minutes 26 seconds
Grade Level: 8 - 12
Man walks towards a car stopped in the middle of the street with the driver's side door open and no driver. Caption. The trigger for this behavior may be something minor.
19 minutes 13 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Woman leans back against a wall at home, holding her hands on her head with an exasperated facial expression. Next to her, a baby sitting on the floor. Caption. Man as narrator. Man is upstairs!
25 minutes 15 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Black and white surveillance frame of a person wearing dark clothes and a backpack reaching down to open a door. Caption. To see through smoke and darkness.
12 minutes 33 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 8
Work shoe with sparks landing on ground in front. Caption. This program is concerned with keeping your feet safe.
12 minutes 42 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Busy city street with trucks, several pedestrians, mopeds, and a man riding a bicycle in the middle of the street. Caption. There is little adherence to traffic laws.
31 minutes 55 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Residential street with cars parked alongside the curb. Caption lyrics. Look out for someone you know you can cross with.
9 minutes 15 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 6
Beakers and test tubes with colored liquid. Caption: Some chemicals irritate and damage
21 minutes 27 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Digital illustration of 3 smiling teenage girls in party dresses with their hands on their hips. Caption. They're having a great time.
2 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 10
Cartoon magnifying glass held over a 2-story white house. Caption. Synthesizer plays upbeat music.
13 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Teenage girl with a concerned expression talks to a boy in the school hallway next to a row of lockers. Caption. Should I have told someone?
16 minutes 41 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Screenshot of the desktop of an older Windows computer with a few windows open and a small box in the bottom right showing a preview of another window. Spanish caption. Estos ataques se realizan a través de información falsa.
Science And Technology (Spanish)
Episode 17
24 minutes 6 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Rows of computers with people at them. Spanish captions.
Science And Technology (Spanish)
Episode 13
27 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
View from security camera up high on a building looking down onto a city street during the day. Text on the recording reads, "February 12, 2013. March 16, 22, 52." Spanish caption, Cuentan con sistemas infrarrojos L, E, D.
Science And Technology (Spanish)
Episode 20
21 minutes 59 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Illustration of a person in a coat and hat holding an magnifying glass. Spanish captions.
Science And Technology (Spanish)
Episode 8
21 minutes 35 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Bolt of lightning arcing from cloud to ground. Caption: we all want up-to-the-minute information.
Science Nation
Episode 5
3 minutes 9 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Computer screen showing the closeup of a human eye with crosshairs over the pupil. Caption: and nearly impossible to fool or spoof.
Science Nation
Episode 25
3 minutes 17 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Woman with long blond hair looks at camera with her head tilted up slightly and her lips parted as she speaks. Shelves with books and file boxes fill background on the right.
Science Nation
Episode 120
2 minutes 33 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Storm so strong it limits visibility while palm trees bend in the wind. Caption: Dropsondes have a huge impact on understanding hurricanes
Science Nation
Episode 73
2 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Top view of a helipad at the top of a skyscraper. Caption: vulnerable to earthquakes, like in Downtown Los Angeles.
Science Nation
Episode 238
3 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Concrete building with open walls. Wiring, cables, and other instruments are attached. Caption: with their shake test plans in mind.
Science Nation
Episode 112
3 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
City with closely placed buildings almost entirely destroyed, very few still standing. Caption: new design standards and building codes.
Science Nation
Episode 47
2 minutes 43 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of a person from the waist down. Individual lifts a mattress beneath which cords are tucked into a pouch on the top of a box spring.
Science Nation
Episode 53
2 minutes 48 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Circular turbines stacked two-high. People walk in front of them. Caption: designed this 15-foot-tall wall of wind, nicknamed, "WOW."
Science Nation
Episode 74
2 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Computer diagram with icons representing two people. The previous paths of the people are also shown. Caption: A firefighter outfitted with a sensor
Science Nation
Episode 94
2 minutes 33 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Graphic of streets outlined in various colors with letters and numbers assigned to the individual streets. Caption: to construct a street-by-street view of Sandy's devastation.
Science Nation
Episode 77
2 minutes 54 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Lizard walking in a clear Plexiglas box. Caption: This is a sandfish, and his slithering moves
Science Nation
Episode 97
2 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Satellite image of a hurricane. Caption: how storms impact cities and towns along our coasts.
Science Nation
Episode 229
3 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Model building being pounded by waves. Caption: And when engineers pounded it with a mini-tsunami,
Science Nation
Episode 187
2 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Person watching a newscast on a laptop. Caption: most people rely on TV to make decisions as storms approach.
Science Nation
Episode 54
2 minutes 34 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Computer simulation of a fire moving through a forested area. Caption: to really mimic the real spread of the fire.
Science Nation
Episode 201
5 minutes 5 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Body of water in shades of red, yellow, range, and pink showing heat gradients. Caption: navigating using thermal sensors to locate people in the water,
Science Nation
Episode 242
3 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Closeup of a circuit board. Caption: The same platform can be used to monitor the environment.
Science Nation
Episode 11
3 minutes 8 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Map with areas shaded in different colors and patterns. Some locations are identified with text and others have lines of various patters indicating potential behavior of the fire. Caption: Their software will generate behavior models of the fire,
Science Nation
Episode 22
3 minutes 13 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Still image from: Science Rocks With Jennifer Swanson: Save the Crash Test Dummies
Science Rocks With Jennifer Swanson
Episode 2
9 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
People working in a science lab. Caption: That's why it's important to follow basic safety rules.
Science Video Vocab
Episode 115
3 minutes 37 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Person wearing safety goggles and pouring something down the drain of a sink. A red circle with a line through it covers the container being poured down the drain. Caption: They cannot be washed down the drain
Science Video Vocab
Episode 113
2 minutes 27 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
People wearing rubber gloves, plastic aprons, and protective goggles in a science classroom. Caption: It's vital to wear the right type of clothing for lab safety.
Science Video Vocab
Episode 116
4 minutes 6 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Cement cracked and broken down the center. Caption: Earthquakes cause rapid movement of the Earth's crust,
Science Video Vocab
Episode 142
4 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 8
Two people looking at a laptop screen. Caption: When work begins, keep the MSDS close
Science Video Vocab
Episode 112
2 minutes 43 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: SciShow Kids: Be Prepared for Anything--Emergency Kit for Kids
SciShow Kids
Season 2018 / Ep 36
4 minutes 41 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 5
Still image from: SciShow Kids: Going to the Doctor's Office With Dr. Aaron Carroll
SciShow Kids
Season 2017 / Ep 79
9 minutes 5 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 5
Still image from: SciShow Kids: What Are Boogers?
SciShow Kids
Season 2015 / Ep 63
3 minutes 43 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 5
Still image from: SciShow Kids: What Are Stitches For
SciShow Kids
Season 2018 / Ep 7
3 minutes 18 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 5
Still image from: SciShow Kids: What Happens if You Get a Splinter?
SciShow Kids
Season 2017 / Ep 50
3 minutes 7 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 5
Still image from: SciShow Kids: What Will Happen During the Solar Eclipse?
SciShow Kids
Season 2017 / Ep 61
3 minutes 38 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 5
Still image from: SciShow Kids: Why Do Floods Happen?
SciShow Kids
Season 2018 / Ep 29
3 minutes 33 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 5
Still image from: SciShow Kids: Why Do We Get Vaccines?
SciShow Kids
Season 2017 / Ep 86
3 minutes 15 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 5
Still image from: SciShow Kids: Why Should You Wear Sunscreen?
SciShow Kids
Season 2017 / Ep 51
2 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 5
Still image from: SciShow: Are Hand Dryers Sanitary
Season 2016 / Ep 209
2 minutes 39 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Still image from: SciShow: What Happens if You Go Without Water
Season 2013 / Ep 170
3 minutes 14 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
An animation of a mosquito biting a hand. On screen text, full belly, partial blood me. Caption: and she can lay the next generation of blood suckers.
Seasonal Science
Episode 1
2 minutes 15 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Person in white work clothes looks at posted safety signs. Caption. And maintain a high level of safety awareness.
20 minutes 13 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Closeup of 3 cell phone screens with displays of a smiling young woman, a yellow car, and a smiling young man. Caption. Female as Narrator. Or a cute guy.
25 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup on the mast of a ship with an American flag blowing in the breeze. Behind the ship, a bridge stretches across the water.
2 minutes 4 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Digital illustration of a girl with awkward smile looking sideways at a thought bubble of a smiling boy with braces. Caption. That will be weird.
2 minutes 18 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 10
Closeup view of a middle-aged woman with an intense, challenging expression, speaking to a person standing in front of her who is in rear view and blurry. Caption. I am going to take her home.
Stop Traffick
Episode 2
14 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Black and white closeup of a cracked, white concrete block wall with barren ground next to it. Text overlay reads, "What is human trafficking? Human trafficking is a crime involving the sale, trade or use of humans by coercion, force or fraud."
Stop Traffick
Episode 1
20 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Stopping the Pain: Teenage Self-Injury
20 minutes 40 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of woman, bent forward and speaking down at camera. Caption. We'll have fun. Come with me.
10 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 5
Partial view of a home with a long, wooden ramp leading to the front door. Patches of snow appear around the home. Caption. One can continue to stay in their own home.
Successful Aging
Episode 6
28 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 12
Inset of video screen with woman speaking and title bar that reads "Irene from Kidpower." Banner at top reads, "7 Kidpower Strategies for Keeping Your Child Safe." Kidpower logo to right with box beneath that reads, ""
7 Kidpower Strategies For Keeping Your Child Safe
Episode 9
8 minutes 6 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Closeup of people clinking beer bottles in a crowded indoor space. Caption. My friends don't make me drink.
23 minutes 4 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of a teenage boy facing camera as he looks down at rows and stacks of prescription bottles. Caption. When used for a long time.
Talk It Out
Episode 1
12 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of a teenage boy and girl sitting together on a couch as they look at each other, smiling and talking. Text on screen reads, "Flirting. Behaving as though you're attracted." Caption. In the past, flirting only existed in the physical world."
Talk It Out
Episode 5
15 minutes 4 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Black and white closeup of a male doctor smiling broadly at camera. He holds a lit cigarette as if in an advertisement. Text on screen reads, "Just what the doctor ordered!" Caption. Narrator. Even medical doctors promoted brands of cigarettes.
Talk It Out
Episode 2
16 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Man sits at a table and holds his fist over his mouth. A take-out burger is near him as another person's hand reaches for it. Text above man reads, "Is associated with fun, coolness and success." Text below reads, "Carlton Beer T, V commercial."
Talk It Out
Episode 3
12 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Digital illustration of a frowning boy glancing sideways and up at a thought bubble with a yellow question mark. Caption. What should he do now?
2 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 6
Teenage boy sits in the driver's seat in the shadows of a car, looking off camera while a person with their back to camera carries a bag outside the open passenger side door.
6 minutes 55 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Middle-aged man sits in front of a bookcase and next to a computer monitor and keyboard. He is slightly turned away from camera as he speaks. He raises his right hand with the index, middle, and fourth fingers together to indicate the number 3.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1048
3 minutes 10 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
2 teenage boys look towards camera as they stand in front of what appears to be a lifeguard boat. They are wearing life jackets and have orange whistles in their mouths.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1049
4 minutes 8 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Woman and a teenage boy stand in a submarine sleeping room looking at a section of bunk beds as they speak together.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1210
22 minutes 19 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Teenage girl reports news from the Teen Kids News studio. She looks and leans towards the camera as she speaks. Text on the title card below her reads, "Jacelyn." The Teen Kids News logo appears as an overlay next to and behind her.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1248
22 minutes 19 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Teenage girl dressed in a winter jacket stands next to an S, U, V.  A Teen Kids News microphone is held in front of her mouth as she smiles and stands sideways. In the backdrop is a snow bank, brown grass and a 2-story house.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1329
22 minutes 20 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Teenage boy stands and looks at camera from a Teen Kids News studio. Behind him on a digital screen is an image of a monitor with text that reads, "Speak of the Week." Below him is text that reads, "Speak of the Week" next to the Teen Kids News logo.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1332
22 minutes 19 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of a girl's calf stretched out on a grass lawn. The girl's hands massage her shin while another person flexes the girls' foot and supports her knee. Text below reads, "Stretch and massage."
Teen Kids News
Episode 1337
21 minutes 41 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Rear view of teenage girl sitting at a control panel in a room with equipment monitoring panels, switches, lights and racks from the mid-1900s. A man wearing a hard hat stands between the control panel and equipment panels as he speaks to the girl.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1339
22 minutes 8 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Young boy plays a game of foosball with a young man in an outdoor camp setting. Both are concentrating on the tabletop game while turning the handles, engaged in active but friendly competition.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1344
21 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Teenage girl sits at a newsroom desk as she holds papers in front of her. She looks and speaks to camera. Behind her is a bank of newsroom monitors. Text appears next to the Teen Kids News logo and reads, "Coming Up. "We'll be right back."
Teen Kids News
Episode 1347
21 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Teenage girl sits at a newsroom desk as she looks and speaks to camera. A digital backdrop behind her has T, V news monitors with text on screen that reads, "Hooplaha. Life with a Smile." Text below her reads, "Coming up. Special Friendships."
Teen Kids News
Episode 1426
21 minutes 57 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Digital overlay of a white flag over a waving U, S flag. Text on the digital overlay reads, "Flag Facts" in bold text.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1434
21 minutes 50 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Woman pushes and a man pulls a cart filled with collapsed tables in what appears to be a school auditorium or gymnasium.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1436
21 minutes 50 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Teenage girl sits at a dining table as she looks at the camera, speaking. Her hands are folded on the table top in front of her. To her side is an open laptop displaying an image. Title card below her reads, "Christin" and Teen Kids News.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1507
21 minutes 19 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of Abraham Lincoln's young son, William "Willie" Wallace Lincoln. A black and white photo of the child with a black star in the lower left corner appears next to text which provides William's biography.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1530
21 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Side-by-side news-style Teen Kids News interview with a teenager speaking to a middle-aged woman. A text box below reads, "Anger. Dr. Susan Heitler, Psychologist."
Teen Kids News
Episode 1535
21 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of a teenage girl seated in a living room setting looking up and away from camera as she speaks.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1546
21 minutes 24 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
A triptych with a medium profile of Katy Perry with short blonde hair, a closeup of Emma Stone with long strawberry blonde hair, and a closeup profile of Lady Gaga with long pale green hair.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1547
21 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Compilation of 2 images including a title card that reads, "Better Safe than Sleepy." Below the title is a closeup of a teenage boy smiling and looking away from camera. His image is next to a family in a car, parents in the front seat and 2 children in the back seat, all wearing seatbelts.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1628
21 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Medium shot of a middle-aged woman seated outdoors in front of a wrought iron fence with green shrubs poking through. She looks at camera with a pursed mouth ready to speak.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1632
21 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup view of a seated teenage girl resting her chin on her folded hands. She looks directly into the camera with a serious expression. She wears a winter coat with fur-like edging.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1643
21 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of a teenage girl being interviewed. A Teen Kids News microphone is held in front of her mouth. She looks and speaks towards an interviewer who is off camera.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1648
21 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Senior woman being interviewed in a lobby area. Her brow is furrowed as she looks downward with a concerned expression while speaking into a microphone. Text on the microphone reads, "Teen Kids News."
Teen Kids News
Episode 1711
21 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of discarded plastic water bottles resting on rocks together with the ocean in the distance. A photo overlay of a white paper drinking straw appears next to the bottle photo.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1715
21 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
A woman wears a tee-shirt with a logo that reads, "New York City Football Club." She speaks to a person off camera who is interviewing her while holding a microphone towards her with text that reads, "Teen Kids News."
Teen Kids News
21 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of a police office at night speaking through a car window and shining a flashlight towards the driver. His eyes are staring at the driver and his mouth is open. Visible inside the car are the driver's arm and hand holding the steering wheel.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1727
21 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Low shot of Moorish architecture overlaid with Teen Kids News logo. Title card reads, "The Reign in Spain."
Teen Kids News
Episode 1733
21 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Title card on blue background reads, "Rob's Test Tips. Answer Out of Order. It's O, K to Guess. Best Way to "Bubble In."
Teen Kids News
Episode 1741
21 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Girl sits up in bed and opens her mouth to speak. She holds a doll in her lap and a stuffed bear rests next to her.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1742
21 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Split screen. On the left, a teenage girl speaks in front of a Teen Kids News logo. On the right, a woman purses her lips as she sits in a room with bookshelves. Title bar reads, "Driving Skills 1, O, 1. Michelle Anderson, National Road Safety Foundation."
Teen Kids News
Episode 1802
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
A photo montage of black and white and sepia toned World War 2 era photographs of soldiers, families, friends and closeups of women and children.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1809
21 minutes 27 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Digital transparent model of the human brain, spine, and neurological system. Text title next to the model reads, "Concussions," with a bullet list that reads, "Headache. Nausea. Dizziness. Blurred Vision. Memory Loss."
Teen Kids News
Episode 1810
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Small group of people exit a brick building through a blue doorway.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1823
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Boy wearing a maroon-colored polo shirt looks at us while speaking, standing in front of a TV screen with the Teen Kids News logo on it.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1925
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Close-up of a car dashboard with a digital display screen. A girl wearing a red shirt is superimposed over this image with a ghostly blue glow.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1930
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Boy wearing a navy-blue polo shirt looks at us while speaking, standing in front of a TV screen with the Teen Kids News logo on it.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1931
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Old conical metal water tower on the roof of a large brick building.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1937
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Three log-cabin-style structures in a row next to each other, near a paved driveway and white house, and backing up to a wooded area. Caption reads: ""
Teen Kids News
Episode 2003
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Base of the Washington Monument in Washington DC, surrounded by a circle of American flags and fencing.
Teen Kids News
Episode 2008
21 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2011)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2011
16 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2015)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2015
15 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2019)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2019
14 minutes 22 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2022)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2022
21 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2027)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2027
21 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2036)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2036
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2104)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2104
21 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2105)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2105
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2109)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2109
21 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2110)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2110
17 minutes 57 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2125)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2125
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2128)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2128
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Teen Kids News (Episode 2134)
Teen Kids News
Episode 2134
21 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Digital illustration of a girl with a frantic expression, her mouth is open with a word bubble that reads, "Mom!" in capital letters. T, V screen in the background reads, "Game Over." Caption. She ends the game and tells her mom.
2 minutes 2 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 6
Closeup of microscope lenses, 1 lens shining light on a transparent slide.
4 minutes 40 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
An amoeba sister presents the lab attire wheel of wisdom. The wheel of wisdom has five sections, which contain the following articles. A shoe, a face with a long ponytail, a safety glass, a pair of gloves, a bag with straps.
The Amoeba Sisters
6 minutes 12 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Person seated at a desk reviewing papers. Caption. Be suspicious of letters that do no have a return address.
14 minutes 15 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Person holding a silvery rock with geometric chunks on top and white and silver crystalline structures on the bottom. Caption: So this one looks like pyrite, but it's called arsenopyrite.
The Brain Scoop
Episode 50
9 minutes 1 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Two people looking at a computer screen. Caption: who has researched various aspects of hominid evolution.
The Brain Scoop
Episode 55
9 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Dried red-leafed plant with a cluster of long, pointed leaves. Caption: Poinsettias are another delightful botanical accent
The Brain Scoop
Episode 15
4 minutes 55 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Still image from: The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts: Booster Seat Safety Tips
The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts
Episode 8
2 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts: Booster Seats--How to Avoid Common Mistakes
The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts
Episode 10
1 minutes 27 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts: Car Seat Safety for Kids
The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts
Episode 1
1 minutes 34 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts: Forward-Facing Car Seat Safety Tips
The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts
Episode 5
1 minutes 50 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts: High Back vs. Backless Booster Seat
The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts
Episode 9
2 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts: How to Install Forward-Facing Car Seats With a Seat Belt
The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts
Episode 7
2 minutes 35 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts: How to Install Forward-Facing Car Seats With Lower Anchors
The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts
Episode 6
2 minutes 38 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts: How to Install Rear-Facing Car Seats With a Seat Belt
The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts
Episode 4
3 minutes 3 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts: How to Install Rear-Facing Car Seats With Lower Anchors
The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts
Episode 3
2 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts: Rear-Facing Car Seat Safety Tips
The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts
Episode 2
2 minutes 35 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts: Seat Belts--How to Avoid Common Safety Mistakes
The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts
Episode 12
1 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Still image from: The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts: Seat Belts--How to Properly Buckle Up
The Complete Guide to Car Seats and Seat Belts
Episode 11
1 minutes 47 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT
Cartoon of a woman carrying three cats. Caption: Datoh, Donna, and Dee Dee,
7 minutes 59 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Still image from: The Electric Sheep: A Tiny and Big Danger--Nanotechnological Contamination (Spanish)
The Electric Sheep (Spanish)
Episode 20
28 minutes 24 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Still image from: The Electric Sheep: Violent Video Games--Catharsis or More Violence? (Spanish)
The Electric Sheep (Spanish)
Episode 19
29 minutes 25 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Closeup of a tractor hauling load of metal. Spanish caption. La mayoría de los operadores de equipo.
13 minutes 38 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Close up of a young woman with curly brown hair opening her mouth mid-speech. Caption. And see people are liking it, and it feels good.
19 minutes 26 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Boy wearing a lime green helmet leans over while mountain biking through a park.
The Outsiders Club
Season 2 / Ep 4
21 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Boy stands up on his bike as he rides through a park with trees, grass, and sand dunes.
The Outsiders Club (Spanish)
Season 2 / Ep 4
21 minutes 21 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Illustration of a car frame. Caption: The chassis is made from steel tubing,
The Science of Speed
Episode 6
5 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Three men, one wearing a vest being lit on fire. Caption: it forms a char a carbon shell around the fiber.
The Science of Speed
Episode 7
4 minutes 38 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
A simulation of a car crash on a wall. Caption: Gregory Earle, When a car hits it, the wall deforms and moves.
The Science of Speed
Episode 5
4 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
A spiraling tube. Caption: They run into each other and cancel themselves out.
The Science of Speed
Episode 10
4 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12